Messages and enlightenment from The Real Maitreya

Tireless generosity the so called Maitreya want at the Shambala blog, apparently. Even your login he wants. I wonder why, when spam can be so easily repelled by

Furthermore, I Maitreya ask the so called “Sentient beings”:

1. Why is a “Sentient being” brought to maturation through giving all, giving equally, and giving tirelessly?

2. How does a “Sentient being” know what will be the result of giving, how does he know it will result in equality?

3. Why completely fulfil a persons wishes if they are not based on virtue?

4. How does wishes without virtue create lasting happiness?

5. With what can you be generous to the ones in real need if you give everything away equally?

6. Does the robe make the monk?

7. Should we beware of who is not a “Sentient being” and who is?

Good intention, good thinking, will result in good actions and the energy of such will be more likely to have a good result in the long run.

Do not give all! – Reflect, feel, try and give little at a time!
Do not give equally! – Give with the heart, give with your brain and give long-term!
Do not give tirelessly! – Be tired of Sentient bullshit sometimes! Stop giving!

Best regards

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